Case studies

Babyland reduced cost of return management by 65%

April 16, 2024

“ With a 65% decrease in tickets regarding returns, we do not need to include return handling hours in staff planning."
Josefin Lindström
Head of Customer Support

Meet Babyland stands for quality and care. Joy and security have been delivered since 1959 when the company was founded on Hornsgatan 29F in Stockholm. At the time it was selling strollers in a limited assortment. relaunched in the form of e-commerce in 2012 and has been growing since, always with the customer in focus.

Struggling with endless hours of return management

Babyland used to manage their returns in a manual process, where customers had to e-mail Babyland support, to initiate a return. After a bit of emailing back and forth the support agents had to manually create return labels in their carrier's system before finally asking the customers to print it and send the return. 

Dealing with this slow and tedious routine for returns, Babyland knew something had to be done. Not only did it create internal troubles but also spilled over on the customer who faced a long and frustrating process of handling something as simple as a return.

“ The amount of tickets and endless hours spent regarding return was the major challenge. It also affected the service to customers, where they thought the management of returns was difficult and time-consuming. Being a customer-oriented company, this was not good for us“
- Josefin Lindström, Head of Customer support, Babyland

Employees previously spent multiple hours on tasks regarding returns, often struggling to meet promised response times. This caused more man-hours to be put in by the company which led to extra personnel costs. Bringing in extra staff to meet the demanding times not only increased their cost of managing returns but also caused an inefficient workflow filled with challenges and frustrations.

“Since we received a lot of tickets regarding returns, more unnecessary hours had to be put in, instead of being able to work with more important tasks in our work. This was truly an inefficient way to handle returns for the workforce. “
- Josefin Lindström, Head of Customer support, Babyland

Automating returns and boosting customer experience

Since adopting Droppa, the company has experienced a notable reduction in workload related to returns. Dealing with returns, both from the customer's perspective and Babylands', now requires less time and effort. With a remarkable 65% decrease in return-related tickets, the outcome has proven to be mutually beneficial for both Babyland and their customers.

“ With a 65% decrease in tickets regarding returns, we do not need to include return handling hours in staff planning. Which now means we save a lot of staff costs as we grow. At the same time we improve the customer experience where there is no need to contact support nowadays. “ 
- Josefin Lindström, Head of Customer support, Babyland

The positive outcomes are also evident in the handling time. Previously, Babyland faced challenges with overextending resources, but now, with improved efficiency, managing response times is no issue due to the lower workload. This shift represents a major improvement with a decreased return processing time of over 50%.

To meet our terms of purchase we promise to have a return processed and refunded in 14 days after the customer has sent back their item. We can now do it in just 5-7 days and it has really improved our customer satisfaction.“ 
- Josefin Lindström, Head of Customer support, Babyland

What’s next?

With the implementation of Babyland's new return solution, valuable insights have been made. These insights have created opportunities to further streamline workflows, and ensure cost-effectiveness throughout the organization, always with customer satisfaction in focus.

“ We’ll keep on looking over services and lead time. There is a lot that can be done to save money and increase customer satisfaction. For example, using a simple service like Droppa to make returns efficient.

Today, customers want a case to go smoothly and easily. They don’t want long mail conversations, especially when it’s regarding something as simple as a return. “
- Josefin Lindström, Head of Customer support, Babyland
Josefin Lindström
Head of Customer Support
“ With a 65% decrease in tickets regarding returns, we do not need to include return handling hours in staff planning."